A massive explosion in the Atlantic Ocean has triggered a 3.9 magnitude earthquake when the US Navy carried out a test called Full Ship Shock Trial on their latest and most advanced nuclear power-generated aircraft carrier, USS Gerald R Ford.

However, the earth tremor and the mega blast were not the whole issues for Scott's Warring, a known alien enthusiast along with other conspiracy theorists.

Mr. Warring has figured out something unidentified hovering in the cloud during the test. This speculation has raised the idea that it was a mothership owned by extraterrestrial beings who were there to observe the test.

Let us find out more about this.

Last June 18, 2021, US Navy tested the capacity of the USS Gerald R Ford aircraft carrier to withstand explosions during battle conditions. This is a nuclear-powered warship and is highly advanced in features and programs.

There has been such a test before on USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) in 1987. After 34 years, this test was the first Full Ship Shock Test carried out on an aircraft carrier.

Ford spokesperson, Desiree Frame said: “In a shock trial, a ship undergoes three 40,000-pound explosive charge detonations which occur successively closer to the ship,” According to USNI News, the test has triggered an earthquake 160 km off the coastal state of Florida. However, there are no records of destruction or injury during this time.

Despite the powerful explosion and the earth tremor it caused, the officials have quoted the success of the test and data analysis on the impact on the warship were being analyzed by the experts.  There will be another two sets of tests to be done in the coming weeks for USS Gerald R Ford. However, when the video went viral on different social media platforms, Mr. Scott Warring has also set his eyes on it. There he found something that triggers his interest that led to his claims. 

Mr. Warring said on his blog: "I was watching a US Navy aircraft carrier testing an underwater bomb to see if it was ready for battle. During the video, I quickly noticed a double-disc UFO in the upper left of the screen. The UFO is huge, about 1 km in diameter, and is semi-hidden in the clouds, but it is still noticeable. The UFO is seen in most of the video and it is 100% proof that aliens are monitoring the US Navy and were very interested in this blast test. "

While others have disregarded this claim saying it was just a normal cloud formation and nothing was strange about it.

What do you think? 

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