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A UFO Mothership was seen DURING a BOMB TEST of USS Gerald R Ford in the Middle of the Ocean

A massive explosion in the Atlantic Ocean has triggered a 3.9 magnitude earthqu…

STRANGE VIDEO! Massive Triangular UFO was caught on Tape in the Middle of the Night 2021!

Unidentified flying objects or unidentified aerial phenomena is one of the most…

MYSTERIOUS VIDEO! Bright Light was seen Hovering During LIVESTREAM of a Famous Band!

Fans of Famasloop, a Venezuelan electro-pop band, got a double treat.  On May 2…

STRANGE & MYSTERIOUS CREATURE! A Crab-Like Monster was caught on CCTV in Costa Rica

Our advanced technologies have landed us to the possibility of grasping and put…

STRANGE SKY ANOMALY! A jellyfish-like UFO was seen by Many in Brazil!

Something intriguing was found in the skies of Brazil which was believed to be …

MYSTERIOUS CREATURE CAUGHT! Strange Humanoid Creature was caught on CCTV in Texas!

Creepy video footage of a home security camera (CCTV) that has been going viral…

Mysterious SEA SPIDER-LIKE CREATURE CAUGHT During Live Surf Competition 2021!

The year 2021 has never failed to mystify us and what you are about to see to…

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